A night with yellow fever


Ah jungle fever snuck up on me like a demon!!!

I got the vaccination the day before I left on my big adventure – big mistake
I was completely fine afterwards even ran but after the 5 hour car trip up to the gold coast I was sitting in a restaurant, my tummy rumbling out of hunger so I scoffed my food down super fast.

Maybe that set it off but a wave of dizziness came over me. Felt like I was going to vomit, my ears felt like they were swelling so I couldn’t hear anymore, my body was like an ice cube in an oven – just continuous hot and cold waves. I went back to my friends house and I just lay there with short breaths and pains in my muscles thinking ‘F@#K how am I going to get on the plane tomorrow morning?!’

So I pondered going to the hospital but decided to just TRY and sleep with a bucket next to me.

Woke up in the morning and jumped for joy that i felt better – better enough to get on the plane to kuala lumpur.
Same thing started to happen after I ate breakfast at the airport but popped a couple of strong panadol and got on that plane.

I think it was yellow fever side affects though it could of been anything but it was definitely a scary feeling.

I’d advise you to get the vaccination at least a few days before you leave so you can recover. And don’t get it when you have a cold like I did – though I had no choice.

Now off to the jungle to scare away all those mosquitoes!!!

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